Friday, May 29, 2009

Actually in California

This is my second night being in Santa Cruz. I am finally in my motel room in the Peter Pan Motel. The project hasn't officially started yet, but about 12 students came 5 days early to help get everything set up before the other 50 people get here.

Yesterday we took out all of the mattresses and furniture in the motel rooms and cleaned lots of toilets. Today we assembled multiple bunk beds in each room and put the mattresses, cleaned off a ton of shelves, and put the rooms back together. I am learning more how to have a servant's heart.

I didn't sleep at all the night before I left. And yesterday and today, I have been going allll day. So far, I have walked the shore, been downtown twice, been on the boardwalk, and seen the sea lions under the pier. Well, it's called the Warf because its a pier that you can drive on.

Tomorrow morning, Evan and I are running to the lighthouse! woooo
And more labor work tomorrow.
I must sleep! Miss everyone

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I am leaving for the airport in 3 1/2 hours. I'm pulling an all-nighter. I am invincible.

Friday, May 22, 2009

6 Days!

I am going to the mountains this weekend with my family for my grandparent's 50th anniversary. I come back monday, have tuesday to pack, and then I leave my house at 4:30 am on wednesday for the airport. I am so excited! Gotta pack though...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I went to the bookstore today. I am super excited about the new books I will be reading.

The Prodigal God by Tim Keller
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Desiring God by John Piper

I'm learning that trusting in God makes life so much easier and happier :)

Puffy Cheeks

I would really love chicken fingers with ranch to dip them in and fries right now. I would consume them slowly so that I could enjoy every last chew. I would also love a BBQ sandwich from cook out, a big mac from mcdonalds, filet minion from the Angus Barn, and chocolate chip cookies. I need to eat real food. I am sick of pudding and Ensures.