Monday, May 11, 2009

I need a good book to read.


  1. the shack! im reading it now.

  2. the irresistible revolution.

  3. 4 hour work week.

  4. The irresistible revolution was suggested by is an amazing book...but also, by the same author, there are a few others that are pretty amazing as well. I'm reading Jesus for president now and it's pretty amazing. Better than the irresistible revolution i would say, but that's just my taste. Also, you should check out "Jesus wants to save christians" by Rob Bell, "No Man is An Island" by Thomas Merton, "Metamorpha: Jesus As a Way of Life" by Kyle Strobel, "The Sacredness of Questioning Everything" by David Dark, "God and Empire" by John Dominic Crossan, "The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "Death By Love" by Mark Driscoll, and the list goes on and on and on.
